Hi I have just gotten home from the hospital today. Been up to visit and see the Man in my life. He is doing great. Went to therapy today and they gave him a workout!! Had him to bend his leg back as far as he could they wanted a 90 degree but settled for a lot less. LOL He seems to be in very good spirits. I went to MC D's and got him a coffee and he wanted some chocolate chip cookies. He loves the coffee from MC D their regular stuff. I like it as well.
Tomorrow I go back to the hospital and spend some quality time with again.
He is such a good patient. I am still tired and we tried to watch the swearing in of Obama but they took him down to do his exercises so we missed it. Darn I am sure we will get it in recap soon enough but it won't be the same as when it actually happened.
I will soon get a warm shower and put on my pj's and relax a little bit tonight.
Thanks for all the well wishes for hubby they helped I am sure of it.
*Well, I did a poor job in blogging in January. I think I froze in more
ways than one. We are known for cold Januarys and boy was it. We had
snow ...
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