Made some cabbage soup called unstuffed cabbage, LOL had some cumin and crushed red pepper but it is tasty to me I like it. Then next was a peach upside down coffee cake. It was wonderful and the recipe made 2 cake. Plus I have made a batch of strawberry jam red raspberry 2 batches and black raspberry one then 2 black berry and the last is the peach. next will be some apple butter!!
I love to make the jams . Oh and least I forget I made a blackberry cake. just cooking away it seemed last couple weeks!
No we do not eat all the jam as i give as gifts at the holiday season time. along with fudge cookies and etc.
here is a couple pics of the foods
Black raspberry and red raspberry jam
peach jam made today
Picked blackberriesMy favorite blackberry cake
Peach upside down coffee cake